Due to the Trans Canada Highway Closure earlier today, we had to temporarily reopen Riverside Drive this morning at around 11:40 a.m. The timing was fortunate, we had guard rails in place as well as construction materials off of the road. This could not have happened just a few days ago.
As of 11:00 p.m. we’ve been advised by Transportation and Infrastructure officials that the TCH is open for East-bound and West-bound traffic. As a result, Riverside Drive will be closed around midnight tonight.
Prior to today’s event, we had anticipated that the road could be permanently open by as soon as this weekend, once heavy equipment had completed putting rock around the culvert’s head wall and surrounding slope.
Once this step is complete we hope to open the road with sporadic lane closures as further work continues.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and please remember that pedestrian, cycling or traffic of any kind is still restricted until we can put all necessary precautions in place. When the road is SAFE to be permanently opened, it will be.