The City of Corner Brook is seeking 100 residents to participate in a trial of the Foodcycler, an indoor composting machine. With contributions of up to $12,000 from the City of Corner Brook, as well as contributions of up to $15,000 from Impact Canada and a discount from FoodCycler themselves, residents will have the opportunity to purchase a FoodCycler composter for up to $350 and $500 off the regular price depending on which model they choose. After the end of the program in August, residents will then be able to keep their composters.

Two models are available, the FC-50 and the Eco 5. With the subsidies of this program, the FC-50 will be available to residents at a cost of $150+tx ($350 off retail) and the Eco 5 will be $300+tx ($500 off retail). To participate, please go to This is open to residents of the City of Corner Brook as well as surrounding communities.

The purpose of this program is to track household organic waste and see how much of it was diverted from our local landfill throughout the 12 weeks of the program. Residents will log how much they use the machines and at the end of the program there will be an exit survey.

Register here: LINK

Approximately 30% of waste generated in Newfoundland is considered organic waste- which, left in landfills, will begin to emit methane gas and further add to the greenhouse gas emissions crisis we are seeing world wide in regards to climate change. Not only does the FoodCycler offer a quick and easy method for composting, but the impact of 100 households in Corner Brook could see significant changes when we can divert over 200 tonnes of food waste. We could be offsetting 300 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, while also saving on the costs of disposing this organic food waste. This will also demonstrate the viability of the technology and solutions in a municipal setting so the model can be redeployed in other similar communities in Canada.

What is a FoodCycler?
The FoodCycler™ is a closed-loop indoor compost alternative that speeds up the natural decomposition process through aerobic digestion of waste. The unit dries and grinds food waste into a dry, odorless nutrient-rich by-product that is significantly reduced in weight and volume from its unprocessed state. The product is free from bacteria, weed seeds, and food-borne pathogens that were eliminated during the process.
Benefits of the FoodCycler™:
•     Up to 90% volume reduction
•     Quiet, compact, odourless operation
•     Easy to clean, easy to operate, no special training or skills required
•     Quick (compared to composting, the FoodCycler™ processes food waste in hours, instead of months)
•     Produces a valuable soil amendment, low in odour, and less attractive to wildlife.
•     Reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) impact vs. landfill.

Did you know that up to 50% of household waste is composed of food waste? By helping your municipality address food waste, you are supporting your community’s environmental initiatives, while reducing your carbon footprint.

Not much! Purchase a FoodCycler™ from your municipality at a subsidized cost, track your use once a week for a period of 12 weeks and then answer a brief exit survey.

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