City Planning & Development, News Releases|

 City of Corner Brook


The Public is advised that the City of Corner Brook is considering amendments to its 2012 Integrated Municipal Sustainability Plan (IMSP) and 2012 Development Regulations, as per Section 14 of the URPA 2000 the following:

This an administrative housekeeping amendment (Amendment No. 24-01) brought forward by administration for the purpose of future land disposition. The purpose of this map amendment is to rezone city-owned land on the north side of Corporal Pinksen Memorial Drive from ‘Mosaic Residential (MR)’ to ‘Innovation District (ID).’  Pre-zoning the Subject Property would allow for increased development options and streamline the development approval process once the land disposition process and transfer are finalized.

The Subject Property is 15 acres and is bound by vacant lands to the west and east, the former lands zoned ID and latter zoned ‘Open Space (OS).’ The developable portion is 12.3 acres. The new Western Long Term Care Home facility (zoned ‘Community Service (CS)’) is immediately east of and adjacent to the vacant lands zoned OS. The Subject Property thus represents an isolated area of vacant lands designated RES (zoned ‘Mosaic Residential (MR)’). Although the Subject Property is part of the broader MR zone, extending west into the established Sleepy Cove Subdivision neighborhood, the Property is non-contiguous separated by Corporal Pinksen Memorial Drive.

Council requests that anyone wishing to provide comments on the proposed amendments do so in writing by Wednesday, March 6th 2024. A response to this public notice shall form part of the public record. If you do not wish your name attributed to the comment, please advise the City in your response. Anyone wishing to inspect a copy of the proposed amendments may do so by visiting City Hall during normal business hours, by contacting the Planning Office at 637-1578, or by visiting the City’s website at




Jessica Smith

City Clerk



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